Unsere Location-Scouts finden Ihren Platz in jeder Stadt.
Tagungshotel ist nicht gleich Tagungshotel und dort, wo alle hingehen ist es nicht automatisch auch perfekt für Ihre Veranstaltung. Unser Service-Team erfasst im Vorfeld exakt Ihre Anforderungen.
Planen Sie eine Abendveranstaltung in einem Restaurant oder eine Produktpräsentation mit großem Platzbedarf? Vielleicht möchten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter zu einem Team-Event einladen oder eine kleine Gruppe potentieller Kunden mit Ihren Unternehmenswerten vertraut machen? So viele Möglichkeiten wie es gibt, so viele Locations gibt es. Wir wissen genau, welche für Ihr Projekt in Frage kommt.
In den Messe- und Kongressstädten sind unsere Location-Scouts nicht nur über die neuesten Trend-Orte informiert, sondern wir wissen auch, welche Häuser renoviert oder umgebaut wurden. Sollte ein Veranstaltungsort nicht mehr verfügbar sein, so ist uns auch diese Situation bekannt.
Mit uns an Ihrer Seite, finden Sie immer den richtigen Platz zur Verwirklichung Ihrer Veranstaltungsideen.

Road Show
München, Berlin, Hamburg or International? Whatever Station is on your Road Show Planning List – we will find the exact Location. Furthermore, we will not only find the right place for your Project but we are also able to organize the coordination of your Participants’ Activities adding Overnight Stays and planning the entire Side Program. To sum it up: We are your Full-Service-Partner taking care of organizing and realizing your Road Show. We are looking forward to your request!

Sightseeing & Culture
When looking for Locations in the City, the issue Sightseeing comes around the corner right away. We offer customized packages for every taste. Whether talking about City Tours or combining it with a visit at the Museum – the decision is yours. Depending on the city or the size of the group, our Service Team is able to offer optional Sightseeing Elements for you. Or, are you interested in a Cultural Program? We are pleased to organize a visit at the Opera, Theatre or Concert.

Meeting Location
Nowadays Business Meetings can be realized at the most exotic Location Sites depending on the desired effect. Are you looking for a creative Inspiration or do you prefer concentrating on facts – the TEST-Location-Team knows exactly which Location fits your requirements and subsequently makes the choice on either Conference Hotel or Mountain Lodge – whatever suits your requirements. This way you are able to concentrate on your Meeting Agenda and to work on constructive Results together with your Participants.

Food Location
The weather is nice and you would like to eat outside? We are in the position to give information on the most beautiful Patios – choosing the Best one for you – whatever the budget might be. In addition, our Service Team knows exactly where the famous Restaurants are as well as the secret Insider Gourmet Places perfectly corresponding to your group size and scheduled time frame. Our Planning Team keeps all required factors in mind and enables a relaxing Food Event for you.

Active Location
When thinking about Team Building, the image of a High-Rope Course comes to your mind immediately. But not only the Fun of Climbing is part of our Activity Program in the portfolio. Depending on Destination and Theme we are able to offer every option of creativity – from Adventure Safari to Magician Workshop – for bringing your Company Philosophy to your Guests and making it an adventure. Our Service Team takes care that inspite of all the fun your Event will be determined by thorough planning and budget proof realization.

Exclusive Location
Some occasions such as Company Anniversary or Product Launch require a special Location. Our Database comprises exclusive Event Locations all over the world such as Castles, old Factories or Country Estates to be rented partially or exclusively for your Event. In addition, a first-class Yacht can be rented if your Client would like to experience something unique. Together we will find the Place for you to be able to create a very special Highlight.