The Hostess and Service Staff are crucial for the Value of Popularity of your Company
Qualified Host and Hostess Staff at the Trade Fair are a true treasure being able to internalize the major Philosophy of your Company in a very short time.
Specifically at the Trade Fair, they are the first to get into contact with prospect Clients! It is not only a smile deciding on the popularity of your Stand – this would be too easy! The first sentence as well as an active, qualified and adequate Invitation to your Visitors for your Company’s Stand is of major importance for filling your order books. This also applies to the Service. Friendliness and professional Service Mentality are the basis for winning hearts for your Company.
We take over choosing and briefing reliable Staff for the respective Event. This way you are able to lean back and trust us with organizing everything to run smoothly behind the scenes.

No More Stress
Crowds at the Stand of the Trade Fair or first Beverage Service at the beginning of an Event. Stress Peaks will always come up during Events to be managed by your Hostess and Service Team with Friendliness and Patience. Our HR Team is looking for professional experience and good chemistry between your Company and the individual Applicants when casting for a Trade Fair Event.

Staff Leasing
You will lease our Staff on the basis of the statutory Staff Leasing Regulation guaranteeing that all Service personnel working for your Company at a Trade Fair or Event are legally registered and insured correctly. Of course, we can provide you with know-how for international regulations with regard to the respective requirements and framework conditions.

Hostess Staff
Whether you require the classic support at the Trade Fair, Meeting, Conference or Evening Event: Enjoy the qualified appearance of our enchanting Hostesses. Providing a high degree of Service orientation with a twinkle in the eye at the right place, these are the Ladies and Gentlemen helping you servicing your Guests.

Take advantage of our extraordinary Sales Team winning the game by means of their strong ability to communicate. For your next Promotion or Gaming Activity we may provide you with our convincing and previously trained Staff Team. Even long work days will not prevent our Promoters from smiling.

Model Casting is also a field of business where our Staff Team is able to support you. Planning a Presentation of Jewelry, a Photo Shooting or an extravagant Trade Fair Appearance? We are able to take over the Casting for you in order to hire the perfect Models for you! Take advantage of the elegant Appearance of our Ladies and Gentlemen for putting your Product or Company into the limelight.

Service Team Gastro
Specifically in the field of Gastronomy we cooperate with different HR-Service Providers offering professionally trained Staff for any requirement. No matter whether Chef or Waitress in Munich or Madrid, our Staff Team offers detailed counsel and is able to organize a well-trained Staff Team particularly for your Event.